Friday, November 30, 2007

And this is merely the beginning....

This blog will, hopefully, be a fun place to update our friends and family with little stories and pictures of things going on in our eventfully little lives. Hope you enjoy it.

To get our Christmas season started right, I showed Jeremiah the old TV special Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on DVD. Now, he had seen this DVD two years ago, but last year, we couldn't find the DVD. We found it a few months ago buried somewhere in our TV cabinet. So, the magic of the season is back, right? Right?

About 20 minutes into the DVD, Jeremiah comes running to me in tears and totally freaking out. The abominable snowman of the north scared him to death. Ahhhhh.....the peace of Christmas. Nothing like a children's Christmas special to get your kids in the mood of holiday fear...I mean "cheer." So, I went it to watch it with him, and he calmed down. I showed him everything would be OK.

For those of you who don't know, Rudolph was my favorite Christmas special growing up. I watched it religiously as a kid. I even remember being in 2nd grad, and not sure whether or now it was still cool to watch Rudolph. Then, at the lunch table, someone sheepishly says, "So, guys, anyone going to watch Rudolph tonight?" The table explodes into kinds screaming, "I forgot that was on tonight" and "yes!" So, of course, I was thrilled that I wasn't the only kid excited to watch it.

This was the same year, of course, that I found out that Santa wasn't real. I was devastated by the news. I think I finally came to grips that the jolly elf wasn't real about 10 years ago.

Sorry for that bunny trail. A few nights ago I watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special with Jeremiah and nothing in that scared him. I think my favorite part about being a dad is reliving all your own favorite childhood memories with your own kids, passing on and creating new traditions, and, of course, getting them to do chores for you.

Hope you all enjoy your holiday season.